The last picture, the snow usually doesn't fall often on these mountains and usually doesn't last, so I was surprised to see snow there for a couple days as well. Parts of the city near the western mountains also saw some snow, as well as Red Rock. Needless to say, I was a little worried about my garden. We only dropped to about 40, so no freeze, and so far everyone survived, other than some bean plants and I think it was transplant shock for them.
Here are two of my strawberry plants. They had already been trying to produce when I bought them. They are doing fine. Yes, those are small strawberries growing. There is a flower on one tomato plant, and I see flowers starting to form on the pepper and chile plants. Peas are starting to grow from their seeds, but I'm not sure about the corn. I still have more corm plants waiting to go to the garden. More pictures to come.
More fabric, this time from mail order:
More ties on the machine. Didn't get the Velcro sewn in yet.