Monday, November 9, 2015

Thankful for Knitting


Yesterday I talked about my love of spinning.   I started spinning because of my love of knitting.  Knitting has taken me places I never expected.

I started knitting in 2005.  Previously, I had been working on Counted Cross Stitch.  I had done several large pieces.  My last finished piece was finished about October of 2005 for my Grandmother.  Sadly, she pasted away in August that year.  By then, I didn't have the mood to work on cross stitch anymore.  Mom would go to a local knit shop, and I would join her for something to do.  I would sometimes help wind yarn, or untangle yarn.

I watched the women knit, and started to feel I could do this too.  I started a basic hat, then started watching online videos.  I worked on several different projects, including socks.  Mom didn't get to teach me new things for very long, as she passed away November 2006.  The yarn shop closed a year later.

I started looking for other knitting outlets, and joined the group, Las Vegas Knitters.  This group met a couple of times a month at bookstore cafes and one coffee shop.  The group still exists, but sometimes meets every few months, depending on people's schedules.

I also found what would become my local yarn shop for many years.  I found another shop across town, where they talked about spinning too.  I started going to Wooly Wonders on a regular basis.  I learned new knitting techniques, and learned how to spin.  The shop closed a few years ago.

I'll talk more later, but I also found the Men's Knitting Retreats, and the Las Vegas Fiber Arts Guild.

I'm not including pictures because I have many of my projects posted in previous blog posts.  I am thankful that I learned to knit, and enjoy learning many new things as I go.

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